How to deal with your toddler’s temper tantrums

What are temper tantrums?

Temper tantrums are mainly seen in Kids between the ages of 1 to 3 and are prone to throwing anger at the most random times. Especially when moving with toddlers is a task. This can range from hysterical crying to breath-holding. The frequency of these tamper tantrums varies from child to child and is a normal part of the development process. It is how they express their frustration, anger, or annoyance. They use actions to convey their emotions due to the lack of words. During such behavior, they understand how their actions affect other people and therefore play a part in developing their social and emotional skills. Parents should follow gentle parenting skills.

Likely causes of temper tantrums are:

  1. Stress or hunger
  2. Frustration
  3. Strong feelings like anger or fear

How to handle temper tantrums?

A wide range of solutions has been put forth by parents of different backgrounds and researchers as well. While there are a few disagreements, one thing that everyone seems to agree on is- violence should not be used in a situation where your toddler is throwing a temper tantrum. Solutions like begging and bribing are also wrong. Parents are advised to “discipline” their children by focusing on their emotions and behavior rather than blackmailing or bribing them.

You can try to calm your child by following the tips below.

  1. Do not yell: We understand that the situation is not easy, especially when it occurs in public or when you have had a very long day. However, we urge you to remember that you are your child’s role model. How you handle the situation is of paramount importance. If you resort to yelling, your child will match the tone and increase his volume too. This could exacerbate the problem. If you have trouble staying calm, try to remember that your child is acting out because he/she feels frustrated or sad and does not have the vocabulary to express themselves.
  2. Set up a distraction: If you notice that your child is about to have a meltdown, step in and distract him with another topic. Anything that could capture the attention. Children have short attention spans and you can use that to your benefit here.
  3. IGNORE: This is quite debatable advice. However, some researchers suggest that if a child is throwing a tantrum (provided there is no risk of physically hurting themselves or anyone around), it would be best to ignore them simply. This can help prevent them from repeating the sort of behavior. It would help if you waited out the tantrum.

Do you need to seek professional help in a child’s anger tantrum?

As your child grows, their vocabulary expands, and they find better ways to express their emotions and communicate with the people around them. The number of tantrums decreases by the time they reach four years of age. However, if tantrums do not show signs of reducing or have increased, then it is concerning. Observe if your child hurts themselves or others during these situations and convey it to a doctor. A doctor will analyze your child’s behavior, and he would provide you with solutions to the issue.