Family Tradition – The Way To A Happy Family

Come and discover the joy of enjoying things together, keeping family traditions, and living as one big, happy family, for many happy memories!

Homework, tests, and school. Is that all your child’s life is all about? While his grades are important, so are the ties he gets to build with his family. And this is where family traditions come into play, creating a happy child, who shares a good bond with his family.

Traditions give children something to look forward to throughout the year and gentle parenting provides strengthening, the relationships between siblings and in short, creates happy adults with lots to contribute back to their family and society.

Baking and Other Kitchen Activities are old family traditions.

Have you ever noticed how children are the most excited when there’s a whiff of aroma coming from the kitchen? So, keep the smells coming. Plan a dish each week to have them lend a hand, and in the process, learn a new recipe.

Backyard Activities family rituals.

This one needs no mention. Children are the most excited in the backyard. So, why not join them once a week? Spend an evening with a game that gets all of you active and running. What better way to become healthy and fit together and at the same time, enjoy a good family bonding?

And if you’re a new mum, this could greatly bring in some emotional self-regulation for new moms.

Plan a Holiday Together

No, you don’t have to save and plan a trip to the Bahamas or the Maldives. Find places around that you can visit as a family. Enjoy a long drive in your car, singing along with your favorite music and exploring places that make you a well-traveled family.

Make Time For Church Activities

Studies show that children brought up by the church turn out to become happy and healthy adults. This is so rare in this lost and stress-filled society.

So, set an hour apart each week, to put on your Sunday best and head to the nearby church. Enjoy good service followed by fellowship with people around that you get to meet.

Dinner Time

Ah, now this is a must-have daily tradition that is known to create strong bonds within a family. A meal around the dining table can turn into your child’s best time if used productively. Engage in healthy conversations and words that uplift rather than make him dread the family meal.

Be Creative

Anything that you enjoy together can be turned into a family tradition. And with the right perseverance and cooperation from each member, it can become a tradition for years. It can follow you a long time down the line, giving you an album of sweet memories, and things to fondly remember and smile at in time.

This is a time when you share laughter, exchange ideas, spread warmth, and build relationships. Over time, this can all go down to make one strong and happy family. So, are your weekends merely a picture of quiet evenings with the newspaper, and children fiddling with your gadgets? It’s time to get thinking and find ways to build traditions around the family.

If you have never thought about it till now, sites like Explore Parenting give you several ways to develop family traditions. Apart from that, here are some ways for you to begin with: